All projects, programs, work sites, and learning spaces (including field trips) are violence-free zones.
No violence or aggression whatsoever (verbal, emotional, physical, relational, or institutional) is permitted at any time.
Violence is grounds for immediate suspension and expulsion to keep self and others safe.
If payment is involved, there will be no compensation for violence, be it pretend (like so called "play fighting") or real.
Persistent negative attitudes can rise to the level of emotional violence.
We require that you demonstrate a consistent positive attitude at learning workshops, meetings, gatherings, work sites, or trainings.
Staff must never proselytize concerning politics or religion, and this includes saying anything that appears to favor or disfavor one religion or secular position over others. Communicating an inclusive, welcoming attitude is key. Staff may feel free to be their authentic selves on all levels without recruiting or proselytizing others. Stafff must abide by the Nondiscrimination Policy (see below on this page).
Wisdom Projects strictly forbids sexual and romantic relationships between employees/independent contractors/partners and other employees/independent contractors/partners and Wisdom Projects strictly forbids sexual and romantic relationships between employees/independent contractors/partners and clients/community members.
Wisdom Projects performs background checks for criminal and civil records on all prospective employees during the application process. We also perform annual background checks for on all of our employees. The applicant must not have a major criminal or civil offense (including traffic or driving infractions) during the last 7 years. If the applicant has a criminal record before approximately 7 years ago, they must demonstrate that they have accepted responsibility, been accountable, and made restitution with the state and in their community. We never hire anyone on the sex offender registry or that has committed any form of sex-related crime or abuse towards children or anyone. We believe in second chances and we work with community members (youth and adults) who are formerly incarcerated. We believe in restorative justice.
Wisdom Projects provides organizing, education, and services to people aged 6 (with basic reading, writing, and math experience) through old age. Our capacity does not permit working with newborns, infants, toddlers, or pre-K aged people.
We believe in the power of recovery from addiction to illicit drugs and alcohol and request that all employees and students, regardless of age, be in active recovery and non-using while working and learning with us.
On the day of (meaning, at any time before arriving at) learning workshops, meetings, gatherings, work sites, or trainings, no one should be under the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol.
During learning workshops, meetings, gatherings, work sites, or trainings, no one should be under the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol.
Likewise, no erratic behavior that seems to be due to drugs or alcohol is permitted.
We cannot stop and drug/alcohol test individuals all the time.
If you are suspected of being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, then you may be asked to leave by the supervisor.
If payment is involved, there will be no compensation for actual or suspected use of drugs and alcohol.
This policy does not pertain to medication prescribed by a physician with proper/written documentation.
According to the CDC, marijuana use causes significant impairment, including while driving.
A highly focused and attentive demeanor is always required at learning workshops, meetings, gatherings, work sites, or trainings.
For these reasons, we require that no one be under the influence of marijuana at learning workshops, meetings, gatherings, work sites, or trainings even if you have some sort of prescription. If you must smoke or ingest weed, take a day off or consider whether our learning and work spaces are right for you.
We do not believe in the criminalization of drugs and alcohol. Rather, we believe in the careful, thoughtful regulation of substances to the extent that key educational, health, and employment spaces forbid the use of illicit drugs and alcohol.
Cigarettes and nicotine are some of the worse health hazards in the world.
We are an educational and health organization with a high mandate to uplift outstanding health.
We request smoke-free, tobacco-free, and cigarette-free learning and work spaces.
For youth in particular, the chewing and ingesting of gum and foreign objects is strongly discouraged because of the high risk of choking or the health and environmental harm caused by this behavior.
Especially during the age of diseases like COVID-19 and RSV, we must take health safety very seriously.
Wear gloves (and masks if requested) for meal service, cleaning, and all sensitive work at all times.
We have free/no-cost K-95 masks and nitrile gloves.
Wisdom Projects, Inc.—its organization, staff, partners, and employees—does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, cultural expression, ability/disability, body size, body shape, and veteran's status in any of its activities or operations. These activities or operations include, but are not limited to, provision of services; delivery of programming; employee hiring, firing, promotions, upgrades, and engagement; and selection of volunteers, vendors, collaborators, or partners. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, employees, partners, collaborators, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients. We welcome staff, partners, and employees’ sharing of their selfhood, identity, or expression to gain reassurance of our nondiscrimination policy. Upon disclosure, we will address staff and employees with the names, pronouns, and identifications with which they wish to be identified internally within the organization and externally to the public. We endeavor to mediate all situations appreciably and invite staff and employees to dialogue openly with the Co-Directors if any problems or issues arise.
Standards for Fieldwork and the Workplace
Professionalism in Fieldwork and the Workplace
Respect in Fieldwork and the Workplace
Text Messaging
We work within communities that highly favor the use of text messages.
Execution of Work
De-escalation and Conflict Management
Teacher and Coach Responsibilities
We value extremely orderly, safe, and structured arrival and dismissal of youth and families to programming.
Dismissal: We execute the following measures to ensure safe, orderly, and well-structured arrival for all enrolled youth:
Arrival: We execute the following measures to ensure safe, orderly, and well-structured arrival for all enrolled youth:
We are committed to upholding the principles and procedures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Maryland Personal Information Protection Act (MPIPA).
Our educational and health services involve longterm, multi-year whole-community transformation emphasizing deep, immersive, almost-daily engagement with youth, parents/guardians, and families.
This immersive involvement depends on protecting enrolled community members' and employees' contact information, educational records, and health records in accordance with HIPAA, FERPA, and MPIPA laws.
Community members and employees often exhibit high levels of institutional distrust with good reason because many of the institutions that engage with them do so with sometimes great intentions, yet in paternalistic ways that break confidentiality and/or challenge the development of trustworthiness and cultural sensitivity.
Often the distrust comes from instances when community members and employees are asked to be involved in engagement, research or projects that carry no actual extensive, deep, holistic or material benefit for them.
In contrast, all of our educational and health services are 100 percent beneficial to community members' and employees' well-being on multiple levels for the longterm and we do not ask for anything or take anything from community members.
Disclosing contact information or health information breaches our HIPAA, FERPA, and MPIPA commitments.
Asking persons if it's okay if we give their contact information to others (for any purpose, including research purposes or other designs) also breaches our commitment.
Moreover, when representatives from other institutions go around us to contact the enrolled community members or employees that we serve, these actions also breed distrust and confusion.
Even if it appears to be okay on the surface, we have found that breaching confidentiality, or appearing to do so, has the potential to undermine the trust and care that we have spent years developing inside of communities. This trust and care is essential to our ability to recommend transformations in their lives as we offer educational and health services.
Adhere to all polices and requirements in the Human Resources Handbook (if applicable).
Click here to view two videos about respect and professionalism in the workplace.